Membership Benefits

Full membership of the Federation is open to all European Investment Foundries and Suppliers to the industry. Research organisations and Universities with connections to the Industry are also welcome to join.

The Federation offers associate membership to foundries and suppliers outside the European Continent subject to EICF Board approval. Associate membership offers the same privileges as full membership but without voting rights or Board membership.

There is a single class of full membership, the membership fee for 2024 is 1050 € per year. The membership fee for associate membership is 1172 € per year and the Alumni figure for individuals that would like to keep on linked to this industry is 163 €. Membership details and applications for membership can be obtained from the secretarial office or by downloading the application forms.


Full Member
Associate Member

10 Reasons to join the EICF

  1. European & World IC production statistics and information
  2. Access to IC technology & research projects
  3. Networking opportunities at conferences events and seminars
  4. Information and industry advocacy on legislation and industry representation
  5. Access to industry benchmarking activities
  1. Reduced attendance fees for EICF & ICI International conferences and seminars
  2. Reduced attendance fees on training & education courses
  3. Free listing on the world´s most comprehensive Castings Buyer Guide (INCAST)
  4. Reduced fees on EICF reports, publications and conference proceedings
  5. Free monthly INCAST magazine and regular EICF newsletters

In addition the EICF is the official interlink with the European National Foundry Associations and CAEF (Committee of Associations of European Foundries) on subjects of common interest and related with the Investment Casting in Europe

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