Golden Jubilee Conference

The Federation’s 50 year anniversary conference was held in Bilbao May 21-24, 2006. The conference included 30 technical papers covering market surveys, business opportunities, management and process control. Specialist technical papers were given by international experts covering the critical aspects of the investment casting process. The conference was attended by 232 delegates from 18 countries and a further 98 personnel were in attendance at the 30 exhibition stands. Nearly 200 delegates also took the opportunity to visit PCB which is one of Europe’s modern Investment Foundries specialising gas turbine and high value components.

The conference invited young engineers from the Investment Casting Industry to enter a best paper competition and the review panel selected two winners, one from the difficult component category and one from the new working practice category. The winners were Dr Julia Cameron from Firth Rixson Superalloys and Mr Iñigo Menoyo from PCB.

The highlight of the social events was a banquet in the world famous Guggenheim Bilbao museum attended by 220 delegates. The banquet included private viewing of exhibits and a dancing display by Basque dancers. After the banquet, the formal transfer of the Presidency of the Federation was made from Mr Werner Blank to Mr Carlos Olabe.

The conference CD contains all the technical presentations except the following which can be downloaded from this site:

Additional copies of the conference CD can be obtained from the secretarial office, price 50 Euro.

Photographs taken by the official photographer during the conference are available on this site.

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