Europe’s annual Investment Casting International Conference & Exhibition is set to come to the four country region at Lake of Constance, specifically to the city of Bregenz (Austria). The theme selected for the conference is “Driving Digital Transformation into Investment Casting”.
Investment Casting always at the edge of technology is facing for some time now the revolution which the digital transformation is bringing to the sector.
The impact, opportunities and the solutions brought by the Digital Transformation shall be reviewed in depth. These shall be considered from the different perspectives of the manufacturing cycle, including the technical and managerial processes together with customer and supplier relationships.
The conference is organized by the European Investment Casters’ Federation (EICF). EICF is the leading trade association for Investment Casting in Europe. Its key functions are to represent the interests of the European IC community, and to promote IC technology throughout the world.
The Venue
A multiple award-winning location the Bregenz Festival House (Kongresskultur). An innovative, conference centre in line with the conference’s theme by the Lake of Constance
English will be the official language of the conference
Sunday 7 of May 2023
EICF General Assembly Meeting
Welcome Reception to Delegates & Exhibition Opening (networking)
Monday 8 of May 2023
Key Note & Technical Presentations
Gala Dinner (networking)
Tuesday 9 of May 2023
Technical Presentations
Lake Boat Trip (networking)
Wednesday 10 of May 2023
Industry Visit : Feinguss Blank GmbH (Riedlingen – Germany)