Morning Session 1
Welcome by EICF Chairman
Finnish foundry industry and foundry research in Aalto University
Alloy Manufacturing Best Practices
The application and benefits of filtration devices in the production of investment castings
Coffee Break
Morning Session 2
An investigation into the effect of Engineered Cobalt Aluminate Inoculant on the microstructure and mechanical properties of ASTM F75 Alloy
Melt Vessel Selection:  An Examination of Foundry Variables
Melted alloy measurement temperature techniques
Application of 3-D printed ceramic filters in the turbine blades casting process
Afternoon  Session 3
Combination of liquid and gaseous argon to improve castings cleanliness
Towards a green future for Investment Castings
Mould-metal reactivity study of Ti-6Al-4V versus intermetallic TNM-B1
Towards a green future for Investment Castings
Coffee Break
Afternoon  Session 4
First Titanium Castings with unique Levitation Melting Technology FastCast
Numerical simulation as a tool for developing and improving the casting process of future SX high pressure turbine blades
Melting – a Best Practice Guide
Pouring Defects and Techniques in Investment Casting

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