Santander 2022

 31st International Conference

Lectures & Suppliers Exhibition
“Materials & Supplies – Challenges for the Investment Casting Industry”

15 to 18 May 2022

By European Investment Casters´ Federation
in association with Federación Española de Asociaciones de Fundición

Looking forward to meet you again in Santander

2022 starts with expectations of a come back to the normality as normal as this could be. EICF has prepared thoroughly this come back for all Investment Casting stakeholders in the beautiful city of Santander

The theme selected for the conference is “Materials & Supplies – Challenges for the Investment Casting Industry”.

Europe’s Investment Casting International Conference & Exhibition is set to come to Santander in the green north of Spain. The event will represent the come back to the physical encounter among Investment Casting stakeholders following two cancellations due to the pandemic and a lot of expectation is associated to it.

The post pandemic, economic turnout is defining a new scenario where materials, supplies and logistics behave differently as previously experienced representing new challenges for the Investment Casting Industry. These new challenges together with their impact on technology manufacturing and service shall be reviewed at the conference.

Attendees will benefit from a thought-comprehensive 2-day programme of presentations, as well as an extensive exposition featuring key suppliers to the industry, plus an invitation to visit the investment casting foundry of  Ecrimesa, who specialise in the manufacture of products made of steel and aluminium, with cutting-edge technologies such as investment casting, MIM, machining and additive manufacturing

The conference will also provide a unique opportunity to network and meet fellow professionals representing the full breadth of the investment casting industry.

The conference will take place on the 15th to 18th May, 2022 at the Palacio de Exposiciones y Congresos in Santander, Spain.

Also on the 15 of May 2022 it is foreseen holding the EICF Annual General Assembly which is a unique opportunity for the EICF members to join and review the advance of the Federation

I look forward to meeting you in Santander for what promises to be the investment casting “Come Back” event in Europe

Virgilio Oliveira

EICF Chairman

Conference video proceedings available – get in touch with Julie Boyce

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