European Investment Casters’ Federation

New Board elected for 2012

The following members were elected to the Board of Directors at the EICF AGM held May 16, 2011:

Past Directors re-elected:

Mr S P Leyland –Chairman
RR & Cambridge University

Mr M Rünz – Vice Chairman
Deloro Stellite

Mr G Facchini Past President
Precicast Novazzano

Mr W Blank – Past President
Feinguss Blank GmbH

Mr V Oliviera
Zollern & Comandita

Mr S S Pilbury
Remet UK

Mr J-P Suberville
Ransom & Randolph

Dr M Irwin
TPC Components

Mr J W Parker
Cast Metals Federation

Mr R Williams

Mr M Dungelhoeff

M Rubinelli

Mr S Irwin
Rolls Royce,

Dr D Frulli

New Appointments

Mr G Renard
Precicast France

Mr C Troglio

Dr D A Ford continues as Secretary-General and Company Secretary
