Mr. Philippe Hoste appointed new EICF Chairman

During the EICF AISBL General Assembly Meeting held at Palacio de la Magdalena on the 15 of May 2022, Mr. Philippe Hoste from Castingpar Group was appointed EICF Chairman by the members. Together with this appointment the General Assembly elected Mr. Julio Aguilar from Safran Tech, Vice- Chairman of the Federation. Both Mr. Hoste and Mr. Aguilar have been Directors of the Federation for some time and they have a full knowledge of the EICF strategy aimed to provide value for the members. With this new leadership on board it would represent again the opportunity for the Federation to gain momentum in particular in the current challenging scenario for the industry. Mr. Virgilio Oliveira former chairman, handed over to Mr. Hoste the bronze casted scroll symbol of the chairmanship during a brief ceremony at the conference dinner.


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