2021 EICF General Assembly Meeting

Last 2 of June the EICF AISBL held its annual General Assembly Meeting. This is the second time the EICF is holding its General Assembly Meeting via online presence of attendees.

All in all, the outcome of the online General Assembly has been very effective allowing to approve the different proposals presented which mostly are related with the Finances and Governance of the Federation.

Within the governance details, four new Board member appointments were ratified by the General Assembly, Dr. Owen Draper from Rolls-Royce plc, Mr. Mathew Marsh from ICD Europe, Mr. Philippe Hoste from Castingpar Group and Mr. Steve Goodier from Tritech Group.

In addition, the General Assembly approved the extension for one additional year of Mr. Virgilio Oliveira (Zollern & Comandita) as Chairman, the renewal as Treasurer for two additional years of Mr. Emmanuel Falisse (IMC) and the appointment of Mr. Philippe Hoste (Castingpar Group) as Vice Chairman of the Federation.

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